“The Best of Show was awarded to Karen Landrigan for her piece, Swimming. When I am jurying the show I don’t know anything about the artists, but once the show opens and awards have been decided I was moved to learn more about Karen. The conceptual complexity and vulnerability was palpable in her work before I know of her story. Karen’s work is evocative, visually alluring, filled with movement and honestly steeped in the stuff of life hard, gorgeous, challenging, invigorating and unifying.”

Britt Freda - Juror, International Society of Acrylic Painters

“Karen’s painterly style is totally unique and intriguing, with a fearless use of color and contrast and a solid sense of drawing and perspective.”

Cathy Albright - Dean Day Gallery

“Every time I walk in my home office, I look at the wall and say, “God I love that painting!!” A big shout out to the art Gods for creating you.”

Patty Hermann

“My interest is always aroused by artist that offers a fresh perspective. You are a talent with distinction. Your style is unique.”

Larry Smith - Somerset Fine Art